Stream Summary
March 13, 2023
On Stream
- Recapping the weekend: RRR for Community Movie, added a Memory Cache to the bot, new pixel pets 👀
- Bot crashed on start up, woo! Apparently my updated JSON fields weren’t updated on the release version.
- HAMhamReborn picked out our newest KoiKin Dragon egg!
- Published the February 2023 Monthly Review post!
- Looked at the webserver and how it might need to be open for the entire duration of the stream instead of starting/stopping whenever it goes to get a new access token.
- List into a list into a list
- Learned about null arrays, returning nulls, and named arguments. ! is not ideal, ? is okay. (But what about the ‽)
- Completed the logic to check if a suggested streamer is valid by fetching the UserID by Username, if their stream is live, and if their chat is follow or sub only mode. If they pass all the checks, it adds the user to the cache.
- Started working on the !suggest command logic and hoped to be able to test up until this point, but didn’t do the substring logic correctly so we save that until tomorrow 😅
Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 8h8m
Average Viewership: 56
Max Viewers: 83
Live Views: 1424
Unique Chatters: 93
Followers: 42
Subscriptions: 4
Bits & Tips: 0

Gratitude Board
- Jeffrey_Lindsey with that fresh prime sub!
- Wietlol for NULL explanation
- Jeffrey_Lindsey for more NULL things
- BillNash for 42 whole months of subadubbin’
- Wietlol for 14 monthS with da PRIME
- Jamhatts for 16 months of support with the subbbb
We sent the koimmunity over to hang out with That_MS_Gamer! He was playing Super Mario Sunshine after collecting all 120 stars in Super Mario 64! MS is a wonderful family friendly streamer that streams in both English AND Spanish while doing a great impersonation of Gru from Despicable Me 🍌

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 1PM UK.