Stream Summary
March 21, 2023
On Stream
- Catching up! I had stayed up until 3AM reworking the raid logic, saving urls to a text file and having StreamerBot read those to update values in OBS.
- Decided to work on the GetFollowedStreams logic – in the event there were not enough raid suggestions given (need a minimum of 3), the bot would get the remaining suggestions from my live followed list.
- Did a test run and it worked, huzzah!
- Learning about Javascript memes
- Start adding classes for when I start working on the Channel Point Redemptions

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h19m
Average Viewership: 52
Max Viewers: 74
Live Views: 1079
Unique Chatters: 859
Followers: 22
Subscriptions: 4
Bits & Tips: 1.45

Gratitude Board
- Viciostv for the raid!
- Kuviman for the raid!
- Gmaminator for subbing for 2 months and for the bits!
- WendelScardua for the 8 months of subadubs!
Thanks to the suggestion of TheBookSnail, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with BanzaiBaby! She was checking out Awaceb’s game Tchia, a gorgeous open world adventure game inspired by New Caledonia.

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 1PM UK.