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Stream Summary

March 24, 2023

On Stream

  • Realizing that today, is in fact, Friday. For some reason I thought it was Saturday lol
  • So today is the day we FINALLY take the time to learn about Unit Testing. Everyone rejoice.
  • Reading Microsoft Docs about Unit Testing.. and wondering whether Ill actually use Unit Testing in my own project because, effort. Also, who doesn’t like the thrill of live production testing‽‽
  • Going through this PluralCourse to learn about Unit Testing, 1.6x the speed, zoooom!
  • Successfully did the first unit test in the project, very exciting. Also converted a class into a record, learned about Data Driven Tests, using Interfaces to decouple classes, how to run run code before or after the test. I’ll consider making a note page on the website to share my notes from the project.
  • Now that we’ve done all the unit tests, the minute I try to do a unit test on KoishiBot, we run into an error and get super confused about how to work with objects that are in a different library lol.
  • Thanks to Wietlol, I managed to fix it off stream, but while I can see the usefulness of unit tests, I am not sure I have the patience to do it for my own project 😂

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 8h2m

Average Viewership: 49

Max Viewers: 104

Live Views: 1139

Unique Chatters: 86

Followers: 13

Subscriptions: 2

Bits & Tips: 0

Gratitude Board

  • Thanks Selma/WhiteP4anth3r for the raid!
  • Thanks Weitlol for helping with the ACTIONS
  • Thanks Fisbyte for helping with some UnitTest concepts


Thanks to the suggestion of Jeffrey_Lindsey, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with SpinKittea! They were doing a chill co-working stream, working on a text book on perspective!

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Monday March 27, 2023 at 1PM UK.
