Stream Summary
March 27, 2023
On Stream
- Bot crashing because of changes I made over the weekend where I split the RaidService into smaller classes and didn’t consider circular dependency – oops.
- Kuviman picked out our newest Dragon KoiKin egg!
- Fixed the circular dependency issue by shuffling code over from the RaidSuggestionService to a RaidValidationService.
- Showed chat the tests I did. Talked about ternary dodads. And how many projects is too much projects? Apparently I need more.
- Added a redemption counter for the Dragon Egg Quest to post in the message on quest fail.
- Added the Todoist Net package so that I can include a !later command chat can use for reminders. Had some trouble deciding what to do with the ITodoistClient but ended up including it in the the DI Container and had help from chat to pull the TodoistToken from a settings file.
- Started planning out the logic for the LudumDare
raffleLOTTERY, so that we can get that working for next LD at the end of April.

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 7h5m
Average Viewership: 64
Max Viewers: 90
Live Views: 1597
Unique Chatters: 82
Followers: 35
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips: .50

Gratitude Board
- Rurutu for 60 months of support!
- JyroDraws for the raid!
- NoContent for helping with the Dependency Injection IOptions dodad
- Gyaradona for 57 sub months!
- FaffinABoot for the bitties!
Thanks to the suggestion of Djinnet, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with FerretSoftware – a crew of 6 little ferrets that were enjoying a snooze.

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 1PM UK.