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Stream Summary

March 30, 2023

On Stream

  • Happy Twitch Mod Day!
  • Talked about Javascript and Twitch’s schedule suggestion feature
  • 28 attempts later and increasingly worry I messed up the code, Spacey3D was finally victorious on getting our next Dragon egg.
  • Added a line of code to see what the selected number was on the Dragon Egg Quest lol
  • Showed Mahsaap possible bug? on TwitchLib – EDIT: Seems like this maybe a chance on Twitch’s end.
  • Fixed a bug where !later included ‘!later’ in the task – used string.Join for the first time
  • Fixing the end of stream title with time for next stream – UTC offset doesn’t work buh. Too much effort to do proper converting of timezones, so we just hard code it for now but at least gets the date from Twitch.
  • Finished working on the logic to add entries from spreadsheet to two separate Dictionaries based on values
  • Did validation checks to make sure that the lottery number guess was valid: that !enter had a value, that it was a numeric value, and that it was between 1-100. Bot posts messages error messages in chat.
  • Looks like maybe there is a bug if two users submit the same person on raid suggestion that it accepts both? GOOD THING I DID THE POLL LOGIC TO ACCOUNT FOR THIS.

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 6h37m

Average Viewership: 51

Max Viewers: 80

Live Views: 1193

Unique Chatters: 935

Followers: 31

Subscriptions: 1

Bits & Tips: 1.00

Gratitude Board

  • RichardAspden for 100 bitties!
  • Ismaa2k for the prime sub!
  • JyroDraws for the raid!


Thanks to the suggestion of TheBookSnail, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Rob & Char of Lets__Roll, as they played The Mind by Pandasaurus Games. Each player gets a stack of cards and has to play the lowest value – no other player should hold a card with a lower value than what was placed down. The catch? You’re not allowed the communicate to the other players what cards you have, you just have to go off gut feels!
(Interested in purchasing the game? Here’s my affiliate Links: UK Amazon/US Amazon)

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 1PM UK.
