Stream Summary
July 27, 2023
On Stream
- Looking into using the chat IRC messages for subscription information to use for Koishibot’s event feed.
- Raging at Github’s use of checkboxes that dont look like checkboxes >:|
- LateKey got the dragon egg on the 11th attempt:
- Conversations about ALIENS.
- Reading the Twitch Documentation to figure out what exactly all the tags mean since TwitchLib is missing summaries weh.
- Finished sorting through documentation and deciding which tags are useful
- Spent the remainder of stream looking through the TwitchLib client to understand how the messages are parsed, if I want to try changing anything, or at the very least add summaries to the properties lol
- Have a screenshot of me raging at github’s checkbox:

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 5h59m
Average Viewership: 57
Max Viewers: 149
Live Views: 1193
Unique Chatters: 73
Followers: 22
Subscriptions: 3
Bits & Tips: 0

Dandle Results
3 Guesses: Clerk
4 Guesses: Ahead, Spiny
5 Guesses: Bleed, Shorn
6 Guesses: Birch
Gratitude Board
⭐ Gyaradona for 61 months of subbage!
⭐ TheBookSnail for 52 months of resubbbin’!
⭐ Neo_Nemphis for the 600 scare bits
⭐ Anonymous gifter for gifting a sub to Chorizo but not really Chorizo, an account on Twitch
⭐ Anonymous for the mystery cheer!
⭐ Raid from CSharpFritz!
⭐ Temptic404 for 3 months of subbadubs!
⭐ ZeldaMOMOe for a years worth of subs!
⭐ FiniteSingularity for the raid!
⭐Jeffrey_Lindsey for subbing for 5 months!
Thanks to the suggestion of yours truely, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Woahh_Jess! She is currently streaming the Rimworld Tile Build Challenge where she must cover the entire map tile with a fully built colony!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Friday, July 28, 2023 at 1PM UK.