Stream Summary
July 28, 2023
On Stream
- Today we continue working on adding subs to feed
- Reading through IRC messages to figure out what tags/properties/fields they have thanks to Dkamps18 for providing some examples
- Thank you chat for helping provide real life data with subs
- Processing through the live data events
- Writing out general logic for the subscriptions, only missing the if someone continues their gifted sub information
- Discovered that the continued gifted sub event does not actually work the way I thought it did, weh.
- Finally coding logic, huzzah
- Setting up the classes for the New/Resub/Gift Sub event and decided to finish it up next week
- For the remaining stream time, I decided to get the point redemption stuffs sorted so that point redeems can now start streaks! It did not work on first attempt as I forgot to set the attendance to be enabled on Debug mode, then forgot that I had the OnPointRedeem method return if it wasn’t the dragon egg quest lol
Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h17m
Average Viewership: 49
Max Viewers: 64
Live Views: 1126
Unique Chatters: 64
Followers: 17
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips: –

Dandle Results
2 Guesses: Kneel
4 Guesses: Lying, Pudgy
5 Guesses: Order, Climb,
6 Guesses: Payer
Gratitude Board
⭐ Rurutu for 64 months sub!
⭐ MarcMagus for 55 months sub!
⭐ Anonymous for gifting a sub!
⭐ Anonnonymous for gifting a sub!
⭐ TheBookSnail for the scare bits and for continuing SoundAlert’s streak
⭐ Neo_Nemphis for the scare bits!
Sent the koimunnity over to hang out with Frog_Museum!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Monday, July 31, 2023 at 1PM UK.