Stream Summary
January 30, 2023
On Stream
- If we create a new class and not use Dependency Injection, it will not have the DI values. Duh.
- Read into IHostedService’s Background Service. We implemented into the Connect/Disconnect Bot commands last week but decided that it was not necessary and I removed it.
- Reworked the TwitchOauth & TwitchClient classes, lots ??? over code I wrote a month ago but at least things are making sense now 😂
- “The only things you need to register in the Service Provider are classes that you inject into the constructor of other classes” – two_eight. That moment when everything clicks LOL
- Realized that when writing a file to JSON, it needs to be formatted correctly, IE: remembering to input the object name else it won’t have one in the JSON file.
- Managed to get the bot to authenticate and connect to Twitch! 🥳 Sort of anyway haha. Have some code mix-up where an Error box pops up despite connecting and it won’t connect a second time which Ill have to fix another day

Gratitude Board
⭐ Purplelf for the raid!
⭐ bluescreenlife for subscribing for 68 months!
Stream Stats
Averaged 43 viewers over 8h43m with 70 chatty kois!

Sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Tobugis as he was working on his game Gate Builders – a sci-fi turn based strategy game that can be wish-listed on Steam!

Next Stream
Next stream will be Tuesday January 31, 2023 at 1PM UK time!
See ya then!