Stream Summary
February 03, 2023
On Stream
- Talked about Twitch topics: raid settings & ad revenue
- Superlong story time of last night’s The Apprentice UK episode
- SINGLETON ALL THE THINGS – or at least trying to decide if I should switch some of my singleton classes to transient
- Tried calling disconnect on TwitchLib’s PubSub & Client when pressing disconnect button, but doesn’t actually disconnect as it “reconnects” after a few seconds. Looks like a known issue. Welp.
- Finalizing design for Activity Feed ViewModel – which hopefully I dont end up changing my mind about
- Abandon everything to watch video about Vertical Slice Architecture by Jimmy Bogard.
- Started reorganizing files and breaking all the things

Stream Stats
Averaged 40 viewers over 7h13m with 71 chatty kois!

Gratitude Board
- ThornityCo & LillyByte for the raids
- EmmyBearArcades for subbing for 12 months
Thanks to the suggestion of MarcMagus, the koimmunity voted to hang out with PianoBlook, who was playing Slay the Spire with a tricycle challenge spin!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 1PM UK.