Stream Summary
February 06, 2023
On Stream
- Recapped weekend shenanigans – watching Spaceballs, working on a website layout for Dan, my first tiny utility application, reorganizing bot files, website updates, and admiring indieweb sites.
- Deciding on where to add files
- Watching SingletonSean video to work out how to display viewmodel within a viewmodel
- Finished drawing diagram on the Feed UI
- BraveCobra hopped on VC to help with chat message flow from TwitchClient to UI as I was going about it the wrong way lol
- Started working on adding fields to change variables in my little utility tool I made

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 8h31m
Average Viewership: 44
Max Viewers: 75
Live Views: 1,260
Unique Chatters: 70
Followers: 25
Bits & Tips: 0

Gratitude Board
- Completed a Level 1 Hype Train!
- New subs AwPanda, Security_Live, and skr_j
- Security_Live for gifting a sub to ThornityCo!
- Purplelf, Icylava_, ThornityCo for the raids!
- MarcMagus for subbing 49 months!
Sent the koimmunity to hang out with BraveCobra2 as he was working on fixing an issue on Github!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on February 7, 2023 at 1PM UK.