Stream Summary
February 09, 2023
On Stream
- Talked about.. things
- Showed off the “finished” WP Twitch Clip Code Converter tool
- Started working on getting the chat messages to display on the UI of Koishibot
- Added a new event handler because using ChatStore + DI causes two instances of ChatStore to be made which is not ideal lol
- Error Messages! Something about doing UI things from a different thread ugh. Ended up implementing Dispatcher.Invoke to fix the issue.
- WE GOT CHAT MESSAGES! But double. And longer messages get cut off. BUT IT’S PROGRESS!
- Double issue fixed, was adding to the collection twice on the store and viewmodel, oops.
- Cobra assigned homework 🙃 But I ended up doing it on stream, basically adding helper method using code from this Medium post.
- Fixed line wrap on chat messages!
- Another extension method from StackOverflow to have window scroll to the bottom of the chatwindow as suggested by Wietlol.
- I AM CURSED BY Sssssss
Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 9h2m
Average Viewership: 42
Max Viewers: 60
Live Views: 1,241
Unique Chatters: 82
Followers: 21
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips: 31 bits

Gratitude Board
- AustinFreakingBrown for the 31 bits
- Dragonflytru_1 for subscribing for 61 months
- Jamhatts for subscribing for 15 months
- Wietlol for gifting a subscription to BraveCobra2
Thanks to the suggestion of FaffinABoot, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with HelloItsRufio – a coding streamer who was playing the city builder game Pharaoh + Cleopatra!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Friday, February 10 2023 at 1PM UK.