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Stream Summary

February 13, 2023

On Stream

  • Chatted about weekend shenanigans: fixed KoishiBot issue I was stuck on last stream, worked on the website, “bullied” Snail into making a website 😂
  • Trying to remember where I left off on Dan’s WordPress theme project that I started off-stream two weeks ago.
  • Checked out Tobs_On_Twitch‘s personal site – I make a cameo on his blog!
  • Got some progress done on Dan’s WP theme: fixed header to resize desktop vs mobile, sidebar placement changes in mobile view (design pending), thought I was missing a div somewhere – but just kidding, just forgot to set the background color LOL. Thanks LombyGG for asking the question, “why is it meant to be white?”, making me realize.. wait a minute, did I even set a background color? 🤣
  • Switched over to KoishiBot project! Figuring out the logic for adding attendance user to Database. I haven’t done much research into how coding with databases work so this part of the project is daunting to me, weep.
  • At least made a Stream Session domain object that will contain data for each stream session to reference.
  • So far I’ve only had a message posted from the bot when it connects to chat, but realized I needed to figure out how to send messages from outside of the TwitchClient class. I think services will publish an event that the TwitchClient listens for and uses the INotificationHandler. HOPEFULLY THIS IS CORRECT.

    Quick mockup vs current WIP of HonestDanGame's wordpress theme

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 7h26m

Average Viewership: 44

Max Viewers: 60

Live Views: 993

Unique Chatters: 67

Followers: 22

Subscriptions: 4

Bits & Tips: 101

Gratitude Board

  • Secondubly for the bits!
  • Wietlol for the bits and subscription!
  • Szpike for the subscription!
  • Anonnontmous for gifting a sub to Taneous!
  • Annoynmous for gifting a sub to LimeJade!
  • A level one hype train!


Thanks to the suggestion of Twitch, I sent the koimmunity to hang out with Matty_TwoShoes as he visualizes speed dating using Flourish for the first time.

Also silly little side note, Matty’s “Lurker Reveal” tool listed me as a.. BOT 🤖 So now there is a comment on his GitHub repo that says “remove ElysiaGriffin from botlist”.

He said he pulled this giant list of over 200,00 known bots from somewhere on the interwebs and now I’m wondering: Whose nefarious plot is it to get me banned from channels by adding my name to known bot lists 😂

A screenshot of Matty_TwoShoe's GIthub Repository for Lurker Reveal that shows me being removed from the botlist

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 1PM UK.
