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Stream Summary

February 16, 2023

On Stream

  • Short, messy stream since we had a friend driving through town for dinner and I forgot to adjust my schedule accordingly haha
  • Added an extra button on my WP Embed TTV Clip tool to temporarily store the converted code and recopy to clipboard.
  • Worked on the newest little tool I’ve made in Winform, the Image Crop Resizer! It takes an image from the clipboard then crops & resizes based on preset values. I got tired of opening Photoshop just to crop screenshots to specific sizes for uploading on the website – I figured I could make an application for this very specific use lol
  • By the end of stream, I got three buttons that save/store preset values! There is lots of repetitive code which will have to be refactored at some point but for now it does the job 😅

Screenshot of progress made on today's stream of the Image Crop Tool

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 2h29m

Average Viewership: 22

Max Viewers: 39

Live Views: 226

Unique Chatters: 228

Followers: 3

Subscriptions: 1

Bits & Tips: 0

Gratitude Board

  • HonestDanGames for subbing for 59 months!


Sent the koimmunity to hang out with CJGladback as she works on 3D modeling in Blender! She is currently working on recreating a character concept from Nicolas Kole of his creation Mama Cactus & Scorpion Mount.

Screenshot of CJGladback Twitch Stream

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Friday, February 17 at 1PM UK.
