Stream Summary
February 21, 2023
On Stream
- Another day of working on Dan’s wordpress theme and delaying working on the bot lol
- Trying to figure out why a page I deleted is still displaying
- Spent way to long realizing that the page I’m lpuzzled over is actually display a post that just so happened to have the same exact text as the page I deleted *facepalm*
- Working on the card display for game posts
- Showed off papercraft arts stuff – I need to make the creative page on this website!
- Reading up on custom fields, mulling over whether to use one or not.
- Decided to not use custom fields which means less work lol
- Finally switched over to Koishibot work
- Reading about Dependency Injection
- Post Stream Edit: I finally got the bot to post a response message in chat when a chat message is received. Huzzah.

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 7h55m
Average Viewership: 36
Max Viewers: 50
Live Views: 958
Unique Chatters: 66
Followers: 17
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips: 0

Gratitude Board
- Thanks WendelScardua for supporting the stream for 7 months!
- Thanks Mjuffers for the raid! A fellow co-working streamer!
- Thanks TheAlanBug for £3 towards an electric blanket goal!
- Thanks BlwAverage for covering the cost of 30 minutes of electricity! LOL
- Thanks CodedBeard for writing a little codesnippet to help guide me in the right direction for the Dependency Injection.
Thanks to the suggestion of TheBookSnail, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with BanzaiBaby! Well, actually Mr. B, who was refining his geography skills in Geoguesser, so Banzai could take care of their newest addition the family!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 1PM UK.