Stream Summary
February 24, 2023
On Stream
- Trying out open source Trilium as a replacement for Notion – it has Exclidraw built into it!
- Deciding what to do with commands
- Drawing graphs! Essentially, procrastinating but feeling like I’m getting stuff done 😂
- Users can !optout & !optin from Attendance Streaks, though there are some bugs that I need to work out

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h53m
Average Viewership: 37
Max Viewers: 66
Live Views: 906
Unique Chatters: 60
Followers: 6
Subscriptions: 1
Bits & Tips: 100

Gratitude Board
- Thanks CodedBeard for subbing for 5 months!
- Thanks Kuviman for the raid! He was working on a game for the Ludwig Gamejam!
- Thanks TheBookSnail for 100 bitties!
- Ratzsa for helping test the !optout/!optin feature
Thanks to the suggestion of MarcMagus, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with DarkTwinge! He was playing Slice & Dice, an indie strategy rouguelike dice game by Tann. If it looks like something you’d like to play, there is a free demo to try on!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Monday, February 27, 2023 at 1PM UK.