Stream Summary
February 27, 2023
On Stream
- Over the weekend, I was able to base logic for attendance users so maybe I’m able to get a MVP of the bot for March ready!
- Figured out flow for getting the stream date when connecting the bot using either OnStreamUp PubSub or GetStreamsAPI
- On stream startup, bot writes to a a Stream Date table
- Fixed a bug where wrong message was posted
- Learning about TimeOnly, DateOnly, and TimeSpan
- On stream shut down, bot writes to a Stream Session table
- Realized that I need to fix !optout command so that bot only saves the opt out value and not override the entire object 😅

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 8h13m
Average Viewership: 49
Max Viewers: 71
Live Views: 1313
Unique Chatters: 78
Followers: 31
Subscriptions: 12
Bits & Tips: 13.37

Gratitude Board
- PopDaddyGames for gifting 10 subs to the koimmunity!
- Rurutu for tipping £13.37 towards a heated blanket!
- CJGladback for the raid!
- MarcMagus for subbing for 50 months!
- TheBookSnail for subbing for 47 months!
- Rurutu for subbing for 59 months!
- Sokolas for letting me know about the date typo on KoishiBot page
- Xerxes_ivi for info about DB queries
- Wietlol for showing a much shorter code function than what I was using to get Date & Time
- Lasamat for testing out the !optout feature while trying to debug why the LastMessageDate was clearing
Thanks to the suggestion of Jeffrey_Lindsey, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Jen_TheHuman! She’s been exploring ruins and solving the secrets of La-Mulana! (She also put together a lovely OuterWilds streamer compilation video, spoiler free, featuring my ugly crying 😂)

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 1PM UK.