Stream Summary
February 28, 2023
On Stream
- Chatting about February goals and goals for March!
- Look into injecting DBContextFactory or DBContextPool
- Fixed the bot so that it updates only the opt value vs the entire entry
- Something about shouldn’t have async void on my event handler but uh.. not sure what to do about that yet LOL
- Added all the Attendance Related commands such as !streak and !attendance
- Managed to figure out how to get the !topstreaks command to display the top 10 streaks.. well, up to 10 if there is that many haha.
- My goal was to get the bot to a MVP state for the attendance streaks by the end of February and for a bit I wasn’t sure if I’d managed to do it butttt I think I managed to pull it off? 😮 I have an inkling that it may crash or we will find some edge case bug I didn’t consider cause who actually writes TESTS? We’ll see what happens on the first March stream on Thursday!

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 7h4m
Average Viewership: 47
Max Viewers: 65
Live Views: 897
Unique Chatters: 734
Followers: 22
Subscriptions: 1
Bits & Tips: –

Gratitude Board
- Greilark for subbing for 19 months & £13.79 tip!
- Gyaradona for subbing for 56 months
- HAMhamReborn for helping with the EFCore commands
Thanks to the suggestion of yours truly, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Bubbleguts_! She was playing Sons of the Forest, the sequel to The Forest that is out in early access! Apparently there is a giant head mode in the game that not only affects the characters in the game, but also the wildlife? 😂 No worries, no turtles were harmed during this moment.

Next Stream
Next stream will be on March 2, 2023 at 1PM UK.