Stream Summary
March 14, 2023
On Stream
- Chattin’! Got a heated blanket thanks to the koimmunity so I can stay toasty! Talking about ADHD, Twitch username changes, and REGEX
- Refactoring some code in the Raid Command Handler
- Finished? !suggestion raid logic and attempted to test and finally got to test it out!
- Why is it adding users multiple times into the cache?
- Forgot a return, WE GOOD. Also decided fetch Streamer Display name just in case posting to chat or displaying in UI matters.
- All the command logic works huzzah! Bot posts different messages if suggestion was me (for all you TROLLS), if streamer is not a valid user, is live, has chat set to follower or sub only, and was already suggested! And of course if suggestion was successful 🥳
- Worked on the logic to start the raid suggestion phase, decided to do a simple implementation where command starts suggestion phase & count down timer. If there are more than 3 votes, the bot will select 3 random from the list otherwise it will pull 1 or 2 streamers from my following list to fill in the remainder.
- Finished off the stream by capturing poll results via Eventsub, learned how to convert an array to a dictionary 😮
- LOL, main bot crashed because token expired and I didn’t put anything in to catch those errors.
- Should be able to hook up the suggestion phase and poll on Thursday, how exciting!
Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 8h23m
Average Viewership: 52
Max Viewers: 144
Live Views: 1344
Stream Duration: 8h23m
Average Viewership: 52
Max Viewers: 144
Live Views: 1344

Gratitude Board
- Thanks Krassenstein for raiding!
- Thanks EarthToThien to bringing up a edge case where a raider could have VODs set to sub only lol
- Thanks CSharpFritz for the raid!
- Thanks Jeffery_Lindsey, NoContent, and JohnCvv for help with the arrays & dictionary
- Thank you to the generosity of JBCreative, Greilark, Rurutu and TheAlanBug for helping me get a cozy heated blanket ❤
Thanks to the suggestion of yours truly, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with EarthToThien! Today he was doing his very first sponsored stream with DareDrops and playing the recently released, The Last Spell, a tactical RPG game with rogue-lite mechanics. Also check out his catsss 😺😸

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 1PM UK.