Stream Summary
March 20, 2023
On Stream
- Bot wasn’t working, realized I switched some logic around for the = 0, >0
- Chatting about what happened over the weekend: Watched Annihilation and worked on the bot OF COURSE.
- Yoshivb picked out our latest dragon egg!
- Decided to split the TwitchAPIService class into smaller classes, grouped into categories: Raid, Video, Schedule, Poll, Chat, Channel. So many classsesss!
- Found another bug where I did = 0 and broke the raid response logic – it didn’t display the shout out video like it should (as seen in the screenshot below LOL)
- Oh look, another bug where the bot crashes due to a ! – this is why we don’t trust ! anymore haha
- AND ANOTHER BUG, where I put login vs userID on api request for raid shout outs – this is where chat whispers unit testinggg

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 8h6m
Average Viewership: 66
Max Viewers: 107
Live Views: 1666
Unique Chatters: 87
Followers: 42
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips: 2.01

Gratitude Board
- Spzike subbed for 3 months!
- Eigentourist for the bitties!
- CSharpFritz on the VisualStudio channel for raiding!
- Krassenstein for the raid!
- AwPanda for 2 months of subbage with prime!
- ZeldaMomoe for helping test the raid feature AGAIN
Thanks to the suggestion of yours truly, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with HonestDanGames! He was learning about the struggles of being a cult leader in Cult of The Lamb.

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 1PM UK.