Stream Summary
April 04, 2023
On Stream
- Renamed LudumDare classes to Gamejam to be more generic
- Discussed what a streak actually is lol
- Thinking of the flow for how the bot would pick a priority game
- Learning about queues!
- Decided not to use a queue and just make strings for now lol
- Announcement API
- Talking about weird foods because H4ckNinja ate a scorpion
- Mulling over classes

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h15m
Average Viewership: 48
Max Viewers: 70
Live Views: 963
Unique Chatters: 63
Followers: 24
Subscriptions: 1
Bits & Tips: –

Gratitude Board
- OvergrownCarrot1 for the raid!
- HoganLong for gifting a sub!
Thanks to the suggestion of blind0fish, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with aaoa_! He was working on color themes for a logo design!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Thusday, April 6, 2023 at 1PM UK.