Stream Summary
April 11, 2023
On Stream
- Chatted about all the things: keyboard, my new obsession with genetics on a click pet site and possible new programming project, VIM, enums, maths ew.
- Bbys first ENUM
- Fixed bug where I forgot to return if user had opted out of streaks
- Cleaned up Attendance classes & Raid classes
- Shuffling chat messages to their own class
- Did a test to see if GameEntries dictionary is case sensitive
- Used the TryGetValue and learned about out parameters
- GameJamEntries does not add entries that have the same username to avoid breaking dictionary

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 5h59m
Average Viewership: 49
Max Viewers: 68
Live Views: 890
Unique Chatters: 57
Followers: 12
Subscriptions: 6
Bits & Tips: 97

Gratitude Board
- azzz_zzza for the sub!
- TheTonyKano for the bitties!
- Mahsaap for the bitties!
Thanks to the suggestion of yours truly, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with OOPmarie – a coworking streamer!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 1PM UK.