Stream Summary
April 18, 2023
On Stream
- Watching SingletonSean video to setup a new project wheee
- Learning about Epoch timestamps and Y2K again in 2038! :O
- Trying to figure out what to do with tables 🙁
- Suffering with database things, realizing that this is way more complicated than I expected and have a new found appreciation for the folks who deal with database stuff on daily basis lol
- Playing around with tables in DB Browser SQLITE
- Talking about my projects
- to make a DB relational graph?
- Finally settled on a database structure thanks to he help of chat, huzzah!
- Learned how to use Notepad++ to remove text lol

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h30m
Average Viewership: 53
Max Viewers: 147
Live Views: 1124
Unique Chatters: 58
Followers: 22
Subscriptions: 0
Bits & Tips: 300

Gratitude Board
- Thanks Bydrith, Finleeover, CodedBeard for explaining Epoch
- Thanks Bydrith, Wietlol, & BraveCobra2 for helping with database things
- CSharpFritz for the raid!
- LaVacalocaTTV for the bitties!
- FaffinABoot for the bitties!
Thanks to the suggestion of Rurutu, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Forkgirl! She’s a talented bodypainter who is exploring the vast viking world in Valheim!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 1PM UK.