Stream Summary
April 21, 2023
On Stream
- Watching SingletonSeans video about HTTPClient things!
- Asked the TheLastOutpost peeps some questions regarding API dodads
- Planning out how the API would be used with UI elements
- Realized I was doing a GET instead of a POST, oops?
- Apparently this JSON is hard to parse? (Edit: I did indeed learn that later, yes, the JSON is hard to parse LOL)
- Learning how to make objects for request & response!

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h5m
Average Viewership: 50
Max Viewers: 76
Live Views: 1155
Unique Chatters: 66
Followers: 22
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips: .99

Gratitude Board
- I_am_not_gmam for 3 months!
- TheBookSnail for the bits!
- Hungeroverxtaco for the 1 month sub!
- TominationTime for the raid!
Thanks to the suggestion of Jeffrey_Lindsay, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with WadeLady! She was working through year 2 of her Stardew Valley playthrough!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 1PM UK.