Stream Summary
April 24, 2023
On Stream
- Catching up with what happened over the weekend – did a lot of work on The Final Menagerie project with JSON files and API requests
- FaffinABoot got our newest Dragon Egg on the 5th attempt!
- Talking about the TFO API requests and responses
- Planning out pages for the application
- Watching a PluralSight tutorial about WPF MVVM to learn how to do UI things
- Learned about grids and panels and children and properties and attributes and all the things!

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 6h31m
Average Viewership: 62
Max Viewers: 115
Live Views: 1383
Unique Chatters: 85
Followers: 25
Subscriptions: 1
Bits & Tips: –

Gratitude Board
- Maaya for the raid!
- WendelScardua for the 9 month of subs!
- Security_Live for the raid!
- MarcoBrunoDev for the raid!
Thanks to the suggestion of EarthToThien, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with Lydlbutton! Shes a streamer with a focus on story based games, Apex Legends, and also writing a book!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 1PM UK.