Stream Summary
June 05, 2023
On Stream
- Recapping what happened in the last week
- Looking at why the point redemption thingy doesnt work D:
- Realized that the debug version of the bot and the release version of the bot use different app IDs which means I can’t modify a point redeem made by the release version on the debug version.
- Hooked the handler to do all the stream start up things when TwitchClient connects
- Enabled Attendance for debug mode to test the things
- Looking at bug with caching!
- Attendance seems to work fineee now?
- Fixed a typo with one of the streak commands – attendance commands can be triggered with !streak and !steak versions
- Testing the point redemptions – fixing repo bug
- Apparently we have to use update with a 1:m/1:m relationship – who knew.

Stream Stats
Stream Duration: 7h18m
Average Viewership: 54
Max Viewers: 83
Live Views: 1465
Unique Chatters: 77
Followers: 16
Subscriptions: 2
Bits & Tips:

Gratitude Board
- Spacey3D for the sub!
- HAMhamReborn for the 4 month prime sub!
- TheDevDad_ for the raid!
- Overgrowncarrot1 for the raid!
- Anonnonymous for the sub!
- Kuviman for the raid!
- JishTheViking for the prime sub!
- Quasky for 10 months of subbadubs!
- ukmadLZ for the raid!
Thanks to the suggestion of yours truly, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with DragonSpirit_Games while they worked on their project Gaia, a Greek mythology inspired game that features his daughter as the main character!

Next Stream
Next stream will be on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 1PM UK.