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Stream Summary

July 20, 2023

On Stream

  • Since I’m running on like 4 hours of sleep in an attempt to reset my sleep schedule, I decided to do something simple – adding summaries to the TwitchLib.API – wooo documentation!
  • Since Twitch added the new Content Classification Labels, I got to add new properties to a few classes, how exciting.
  • Thanks to ChickenKeeper we looked at a nifty Game of Life app that was running.. Game of Life? I don’t understand it, but it looked nifty!
  • NEW VACCUM HYPE – didn’t show case it on stream (lol), but we bought a new Shark vacuum which hopefully doesnt suck! ..Or does? Suck in a good way! Hum, that doesnt sound right either. But you know you’re an adult when you get excited over new appliances 🤣
  • Neo_Nemphis got the dragon egg on the 11th attempt!
  • Found another place to add new things for the Content Classification Labels, BUT MORE INVOLVED because I needed to create a new class object and decided to add an enum so that users can’t mistype any of the complicated Content Classification Labels.
  • COMMITTED all the newly created files for all the Content Classification Label things! If it is approved I will have contributed more to the project than just adding summaries, much hype.
  • PUSHED the branch and added it to the pull request which passed the checks so I didnt break anything.. yet.
  • But then while writing the git hub comments with all the changes that were made to the files, I thought, “Hum, I guess if I don’t do anything for awhile I should double check to make sure this CCL isn’t anywhere else in the API” anD LOW AND BEHOLD… there’s a new API end point. So I guess tomorrow we’re going to tackle learning how to add an API end point to a FOSS library 😅
  • I’m not nervous, YOURE NERVOUS.

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 6h34m

Average Viewership: 58

Max Viewers: 111

Live Views: 1201

Unique Chatters: 925

Followers: 19

Subscriptions: 7

Bits & Tips: 14.37

Gratitude Board

⭐ Matty_TwoShoes for tipping £6.69!
⭐ MarcMagus for subscribing for 54 months & the bits!
⭐ HAMhamReborn for gifting 5 subs to the koimunnity!
⭐ Dragonflytru_1 for the prime sub for 66 month!
⭐ TheBookSnail for the bits & tip!
⭐ Shaun_the_sheep_bah_moo for the bits!
⭐ Weitlol for gifting a sub to TimBeaudet!
⭐ TimeBeaudet for the raid!


Thanks to the suggestion of Yoshivb, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with helloitskolo! Kolo is a lovely variety streamer with a huge focus on accessibility – she has an adaptive controller so she can game with her feet! Today she was doing a farewell office stream as she moves to a brand new space to create new memories!

(Also please enjoy her reaction to our raid name pronunciation message lol)

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Friday, July 21, 2023 at 1PM UK.
