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Stream Summary

July 24, 2023

On Stream

  • Todays plan: continue working on Koishibot’s activity feed!
  • Temptic404 managed to get the dragon egg on THE FIRST ATTEMPT:
  • Might have been sidetracked to fix some quick Javascript code that I wrote for Dan’s website to validate a comment form
  • Wrote some Javascript code that still allows the comment button to be pressed but won’t actually submit the form until the fields are filled thanks to Dkamps18 for showing us the event.preventDefault() function!
  • At some point we’ll learn all the basics of Javascript, but that day is not today.
  • We interrupt the stream to watch the very exciting unlocking of the Stepa Safido notes on the TFO! Typically it takes a few days for users to donate enough digital currency to unlock the notes that show the creature genes, but they MANAGED TO DO IT IN 30 MINUTES?? Craziness.
  • Changed the TwitchFollow table from a one-to-one to a one-to-many
  • Chat made art with Dandle!
  • Thinking through the logic of should events trigger the attendance or not, decided to allow it since most events would count as a chat interaction.

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 5h55m

Average Viewership: 50

Max Viewers: 73

Live Views: 1021

Unique Chatters: 63

Followers: 16

Subscriptions: 0

Bits & Tips: 1313

Gratitude Board

⭐ FaffinABoot for the bitties!
⭐ ZasmaYaya for the bitties!
⭐ Temptic404 for the bitties!
⭐ MattyTwoShoes for the bitties!
⭐ TheBookSnail for the bitties!


Thanks to the suggestion of Rurutu, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with SleepyMia! While Mia is (as she says) “a retired streamer” she occasionally makes an appearance on Twitch to stream creating vtuber models for other streamers in Live2D! Check out work here!

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 1PM UK.
