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Stream Summary

July 25, 2023

On Stream

  • Oh snap, thanks to Mahsaap my first major TwitchLib PR was approvedddd! How exciting! Previously I had just added summaries but this time I added a new API end point. Hopefully it works 🤣 But now I can say I’ve contributed to an open source project!
  • Fixed a file in Visual Studio so that it stops making new classes internal by default and instead makes them public – a VS update reset this after I set it last time.
  • It’s been two weeks since I’ve looked at the bot code, so taking a bit to remember how everything is organized and setup haha.
  • Twitch randomly went offline for 1 minute, but OBS didn’t say anything dropped. Looks like bot event sub does not go back online on the bot though, weep
  • Slowly working through adding logic for Twitch follow events
  • Chat did not solve dandle this time 🙁 It was “sandy”
  • First test is successful! When a follow event is received, bot saves the user and records the follow event. The follow also displays on the UI. Still need to work on logic so that on bot startup it fetches any events that happened that day but will work on that later.
  • Now working on the cheer received logic~
  • Due to a typo error, chat has named a dragon Rossiant 😅
  • Tested the cheer event and forgot to setup a table for the cheers – oops. Also forgot to include the cheer message to display on the UI.
  • Added a cheer table which works huzzah!
  • Realized that the bit message includes the actual bit emote so would probably need to do some logic to remove that from the message.
  • Looking into adding a Twitch Subscriptions but remembered the joys of not having all the information needed in either the Twitch EventSubs or TwitchAPI. Dkamps suggested looking at getting the events from Twitch IRC so now trying to decide if I want to use those events instead 🙃

Stream Stats

Stream Duration: 6h2m

Average Viewership: 51

Max Viewers: 80

Live Views: 1214

Unique Chatters: 79

Followers: 22

Subscriptions: 0

Bits & Tips: 330

Gratitude Board

⭐ Hypermetaru for the raid!
⭐ Neo_Nemphis for scaring me with bits lol
⭐ TimyTheTermite for the bits!
⭐ TheBookSnail for the test bits!
⭐ Linol_Shadowcat for the test bits!
⭐ HonestDanGames for the bits!
⭐ Fashnek for the test bits!
⭐ Pgorley for the test bits!

Dandle Results

4 Guesses: Apart, Banal, Shout
Not Solved: Sandy


Thanks to the suggestion of Rurutu, we sent the koimmunity over to hang out with MarysMilkMonsters! On today’s stream she was working on a batch of soap made of goat’s milk from her own herd of goats! You can support her small business and purchase some soap over on her etsy shop!

Next Stream

Next stream will be on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 1PM UK.
