Stream Summary
August 21, 2023
On Stream
Continuing the REFACTOR of Koishibot after finding a bug that required reworking the navigation!
Adding the textboxes and logic for updating the stream title and category on the UI, made a handler to go send info off to Twitch. The submit info button is unclickable when the textbox values are empty.
Decided to use the event sub to verify that the title & category were updated and discovered that the ChannelUpdate eventsub does not include tags or is_branded_content, weep. Does not look like there is an eventsub for when tags are changed.
When the bot connects, it gets the stream information to display on the UI. If the channel information is updated, it now is reflected on the UI.
Gratitude Board
⭐ Raid from overgrowncarrot1
⭐ Dragonflytru_1 for the prime sub for 67 months
Dandle Results
3 Guesses: Felon, Patsy, Droid, Build, Colon, Fishy
4 Guesses: Bilge
5 Guesses: Sleek
Next Stream
To be determined